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3 min read

An old adage says that the things you pay for upfront are the ones you pay the least for. This wisdom rings particularly true in the world of technology, where the full cost of adoption often reveals itself over time. Those who rode the wave of the cloud revolution can attest to this. Years of… <a class="more-link" href="">Read more</a>

The (Hidden) Cost of Artificial Intelligence
3 min read
October 15, 2024

What Will the Developer of the Future Look Like?

By Codemotion
Some of the main speakers at CodemotionMilan24 debate careers and training in the AI era. While the tech world is buzzing with Artificial Intelligence, with companies and researchers seemingly focused primarily on creating the most powerful and performant model, there’s a crucial aspect that risks being overshadowed: the importance of training, career paths, and adaptability… Read more
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5 min read
October 1, 2024

Generative AI Prompt Patterns for Software Engineering

By Davide Consonni
Introduction The role of developers is changing rapidly. Those who aren’t ready for this AI-powered future risk becoming extinct, like the Dodo 🦤. As Large Language Models (LLMs) improve in their ability to write code, with lower costs and larger context windows, we’re nearing a shift towards Generative AI-driven programming. In this new approach, developers… Read more
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5 min read
September 24, 2024

Practical Recipe for an AI-based Chatbot in the Browser

By Massimo Avvisati
Let’s discover how we can create a genuine chat with a virtual assistant based on an AI model similar to ChatGPT, without having to communicate with a server but entirely within the browser! Is it really possible to do this at zero cost entirely client-side with JavaScript? Will we actually get to something "similar to… Read more
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8 min read
August 8, 2024

Building reusable multiple-step form in ReactJS

By Noa Shtang
Introduction Building user-friendly multiple-step forms in ReactJS can be challenging. Developers often struggle with managing form states, ensuring seamless user navigation, handling validation, and maintaining a smooth user experience. Adhering to best practices is necessary for these forms to become cumbersome, leading to user frustration and increased abandonment rates. In this article, I provide a… Read more
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3 min read
July 9, 2024

Excalidraw: Diagrams Set in Stone

By TheZal
“Anyone who uses this tool will be rightfully King of Flowcharts” These are the words engraved under the golden hilt of Excalidraw, the Open Source project I’ll talk about today. Welcome to OpenDev Explorer, my column dedicated to exploring the Open Source world with a nod to developer experience. I am Riccardo (aka TheZal) and… Read more
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4 min read
June 25, 2024

CSS is Cool: Explore These 5 Repositories

By Codemotion
CSS is experiencing a renaissance, thanks to innovative frameworks, extensive community contributions, and the constant evolution of web development practices.  Once deemed dull and limited, in recent years CSS has undergone a spectacular transformation, evolving into a powerful tool capable of creating stunning, interactive web designs. No longer confined to basic styling, CSS now enables… Read more
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4 min read
October 7, 2024

Cell-based Architecture: A Leap into the Unknown

By gabroglio
A few weeks ago, I published an article mentioning cell-based architecture. I’d like to delve into the details of what this architecture entails and how it can be implemented with some additional information. The Cell Since primary school, children are taught that the cell is the smallest living organism. A cell is composed of various… Read more
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6 min read
September 26, 2024

How to Easily Migrate from Spring Boot to Micronaut

By Codemotion
In the beginning there was only JVM The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is a virtual machine that acts as a runtime engine for running java applications and programs and programs in other languages compiled by Java bytecode. It has two main functions: optimizing program memory and allowing Java programs t run on any OS or… Read more
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5 min read
September 3, 2024

Java Optimization: A Practical Guide to Boost Performance

By peduz91
When developing efficient, scalable, and responsive applications, performance considerations are crucial. Ensuring that your Java applications make optimal use of system resources such as memory and CPU is essential for improving user experience, reducing operational costs, and maintaining a competitive edge. In this guide, we will explore the key aspects of Java optimization, with references… Read more
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Dev Life

7 min read
September 26, 2024

Programmers as the New Mercenaries: The Evolution of Work in the IT Sector

By Matteo Baccan
Once upon a time, building a product with a team of programmers was synonymous with long-term stability. Changes in personnel were rare, limited to events like retirements, personal relocations, burnout, and occasionally, irresistible job offers. But the winds of change have blown fiercely: the spread of the Internet and the recent pandemic have accelerated a… Read more
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4 min read
September 10, 2024

International Programmer’s Day: The Challenges of Today and Tomorrow

By Codemotion
After celebrating Cat Day, Towel Day (since it’s an English celebration, there’s only one towel), and other quirky days, it’s time for International Programmer’s Day—a day that celebrates devs and their fundamental role in technological innovation. It’s a moment to recognize and appreciate the contributions these professionals make to modern society. Programmers face unique and… Read more
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6 min read
September 10, 2024

September: Let’s Go, It’s Time to Migrate

By Arnaldo Morena
You’ve returned from vacation even more stressed… The idea that programmers are also good at making plans in contexts unrelated to computers is a false myth. Even in a dev’s life, deadlines and events arrive like bolts from the blue, causing rude awakenings, like when the calendar works against you and instead of a nice… Read more
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3 min read
October 24, 2024

Fail Fast: when failure is a win

By Matteo Crippa
In a world driven by rapid development and continuous innovation, failure isn’t always a setback—in fact, it can be a winning strategy. Let’s talk about Fail Fast, a fundamental methodology in software development that aims to quickly identify the limitations and critical issues of a solution. What is Fail Fast? Fail Fast is an approach… Read more
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July 23, 2024

Kubernetes Cost Optimization: A Developer’s Guide

By Gilad David Maayan
What Is Kubernetes Cost Optimization?  Kubernetes cost optimization involves reducing expenses associated with running applications in Kubernetes environments without compromising performance or availability. It requires a strategic approach to managing resources such as compute, storage, and networking. By optimizing these elements, organizations can ensure they only pay for what they actually use and need, avoiding… Read more
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June 18, 2024

10 Tips and Tricks for Using Kubernetes Helm

By Gilad David Maayan
What Is Kubernetes Helm?  Kubernetes Helm is a package manager designed to simplify the installation and management of applications on Kubernetes clusters. It handles the process of defining, installing, and upgrading complex Kubernetes applications. Kubernetes Helm packages, known as charts, contain all necessary components to run an application, service, or tool on Kubernetes. Charts are… Read more
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