Technologies and the associated best practice are constantly evolving.
This means that software developers‘ skills and experience can rapidly become out-of-date. To be successful, the best employers ensure employees adapt and develop their skills along with the changing environment.
To be, or to become, a developer able to have a positive impact on an organization, one needs to stay ahead of the game. Developers need to be provided with continuous learning opportunities and dev teams should be encouraged to use their own initiative to find paths to ongoing personal development.
Continuous learning is the ability to continually develop and improve one’s skills and knowledge in order to perform effectively and adapt to changes in the workplace.
At Codemotion we always try to find new ways to engage developers. Codemotion is not just an annual conference! We launch five new projects each year with the intent of connecting like-minded developers and communities.
Unlock a Udemy course of your choice for free
Our new platform is truly unique. Developers can unlock Udemy Courses by referring other developers to Codemotion. It is easy as 1-2-3: sign up and perform fun tasks in order to collect points. At 500 points, you can unlock a Udemy course of your choosing, at 1000 points, your preferred IT Certification course and so on.
Gamifying continuous learning with an easter egg hunt. Fun? Well, it will get you a free course! If you are interested, check out this link.
You can also try one of our new Udemy course unlocking Challenges: click here!
Codemotion’s Community Organizer Tool
Codemotion‘s Community Organizer Tool is a great example of bringing people together and migrating online communication to face-to-face for community organizers, speakers, and their curious audience. Read more about the only tech-focused community organizer tool here.
Agora: Side-Project Awards and Peer-Review
Agora is a platform where developers can upload their side projects to get votes and feedback from their peers. The highest-ranked project will win EUR 5000. It is worth a try!