Snap4City is a open source, 100% flexible living lab capable to keep under control the real time city evolution: reading sensors; computing and controlling key performance indicators, KPI; detecting unexpected evolutions; performing analytics; taking actions on strategies and alarms.
Snap4City supports the city in the process of continuous innovation on services, infrastructures, with control and supervision, tools for business intelligence, predictions, anomaly detection, early warning, risk assessment, also setting up strategies for increasing city resilience with respect to unexpected unknown events. Thanks to knowledge base Snap4City provides flexible solutions to get immediate insights and deductions of the city status and evolution, exploiting ultimate artificial intelligence, data analytics and big data technologies, activating sentient solutions collecting, and exploiting heterogeneous data of any kind, from any source (open and private; static, real time, event driven, streams, certified and personal).
Snap4City is 100% open source, secure encrypted, scalable, modular and flexible, managed by DISIT Lab of University of Florence, in collaboration with other institutions and companies accepting to work on open source models; it can be used to set up Living Lab and smart city solutions satisfying a large range of requirements of city officers, citizens, and tourists to developers, companies and researchers. It can be easily integrated with in place solutions to provide from data, factors and causes, predictions, anomalies, optimising resources and understanding social contexts and meanings of facts from data. This capability is obtained by enforcing the new functionalities of Snap4City tools/modules on your premise and/or exploiting them from cloud. Snap4City is based on Km4City knowledge base and smart city API (Https://www.km4city.org ), a suite of open source technologies for developing smart cities big data aggregators and analytics adopted in REPLICATE H2020, RESOLUTE H2020, Sii-Mobility SCN, WEEE Life, TRAFAIR CEF, Green Impact, 5G with Wind 3G and Estra, and others. Snap4City added to Km4City the flexibility to set up Living Labs and co-working environments for IOT/IOE (internet of things/everything) in smart cities and industry 4.0; to use a large range of IOT devices, IOT Edge, IOT Buttons, Gateways, mobiles, OBU (on board unit, vehicular kit), social media and satellite data, and it is open to all standards and custom models.
Snap4City has been developed in response to Select4Cities challenges and PCP (https://www.select4cities.eu/). Select4Cities has proposed a number of functional and non-functional requirements and concepts. All the expected requirements and much more have been satisfied by Snap4City solution which is fully open source, support cloud and scalability for processing and IOT/IOE, respect user needs and privacy according GDPR and to the different user kinds, provide tools and community for co-creation; mixt data driven, stream and batch processing; it is fully based on microservices and using easily replaceable tools. Snap4City solution has been designed to be scalable, flexible, safe and respectful of privacy, endowed of a powerful semantic reasoner based on Km4City multi-domain semantic model and tools (https://www.km4city.org). A special attention has been provided to enable the development of applications in multiple domains and not only on mobility and transport, tourism, health, welfare, social, etc. The innovative aspects of the Snap4City solution are related to semantic computing of entities for discovering and search information, resources management, parallel and distributed computing and cloud management, applications based on microservices and external services, dashboard and development tool kits, etc. The proposed solution is flexible enough to support extensions at different levels of granularity: data, analytics, tools and applications.